
Encanto is a heartwarming animated movie that tells the story of the Madrigal family, who lives in a magical place called Colombia. The movie features various characters, each with its unique personality and age. In this article, we will introduce you to the Madrigal family members and their respective ages and how to download streaming video from Disney+ if you need.

Who is Camilo: How Old and the Height

Camilo is one of the key characters in Disney’s Encanto and his age has been the subject of much speculation among fans. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed analysis of Camilo’s age based on evidence from the movie and interviews with the creators.

how old is camilo in encanto

Camilo's Age and Height

Before we dive into the question of Camilo’s age, let’s first establish who he is. Camilo Madrigal is the youngest member of the Madrigal family and possesses the power to control the weather. He is a lovable character who captures the hearts of viewers with his charming personality and innocent antics.

Based on his interactions with other characters in the movie, we can assume that he is shorter than his siblings and the rest of the Madrigal family members. However, his exact height is not revealed in the movie. Based on our analysis of his physical appearance, we estimate that he is around 3 feet tall.

how old is camilo in encanto family

Evidence from the Movie

In the movie, Camilo is shown as a toddler at the beginning of the film when his older sister Isabella sings “The Family Madrigal”. Later on, during the scene where Bruno arrives at the Madrigal house, we see Camilo again, this time as a pre-schooler. Going by these two scenes alone, we can infer that Camilo is somewhere between 2-4 years old.

Interviews with the Creators

To get a more definitive answer, we dug deeper and came across an interview with co-director Byron Howard. In the interview, he stated that Camilo is “just learning how to walk”. This would suggest that Camilo is closer to 1 year old than 4 years old. However, it’s worth noting that the interview was given before the release of the movie, so there is a chance that the filmmakers changed their minds about Camilo’s age during production.

Based on the evidence from the movie and interviews with the creators, we can conclude that Camilo is likely between 1-4 years old. The most concrete evidence comes from Byron Howard’s interview where he states that Camilo is just learning how to walk. However, it’s possible that the filmmakers changed their minds about Camilo’s age during production, so there is still some room for interpretation.

Interviews with encanto Creators

In conclusion, while there is no definitive answer to the question of Camilo’s age, we hope that this guide has provided you with a comprehensive analysis of the available evidence. If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to contact us.

How to Download Encanto for Offline Watching

How to Download encanto for Offline Watching: streamfab disney plus downloader

StreamFab Disney Plus Downloader

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Step 1

Download the video downloader

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Step 3

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Meet the Madrigal Family

The Madrigal family comprises ten members, each with a special power linked to their magical home. The protagonist of Encanto is Mirabel Madrigal, who does not have any magical powers but possesses an exceptional talent for problem-solving. Now, let us delve into the world of ‘Encanto’ to learn more about the Madrigal family members and their ages.

camilo from encanto

Isabela Madrigal - The Adventurous One

Isabela is the eldest daughter of Antonio and Camila Madrigal. She has a talent for music and can play any instrument. Isabela is 22 years old, and she is adventurous by nature, always eager to explore new places and discover hidden secrets.

Luisa Madrigal - The Super Strong Sister

Luisa is the second eldest daughter and she is 21 years old. As her name suggests, Luisa has super strength, which she uses to help her family and friends when they need it the most. She loves spending time in the garden, where she can connect with nature and feel at peace.

Mirabel Madrigal - The Brave and Intelligent Protagonist

Mirabel Madrigal is the third eldest child in the Madrigal family, and at 15 years old, she is a talented problem solver. Although she does not possess any magical powers, she has a unique ability to fix things and find solutions to complex problems. Mirabel is brave and determined, always seeking to protect her family and keep them together.

Bruno Madrigal - The Wise Uncle

Bruno is the only brother of Antonio Madrigal, and he is 60 years old. Bruno has the power to shapeshift into any animal, which he uses to help his family and the community. He is known for his wisdom and is often sought out for advice by his family members.

Abuela Alma - The Matriarch of the Madrigal Family

Abuela Alma is the grandmother of the Madrigal family, and at 82 years old, she is the oldest member of the family. She has the power to talk to animals and plants, which helps her maintain harmony in the magical world of Encanto. Abuela Alma is the matriarch of the family, and her love and guidance hold the family together.


In conclusion, Camilo is a young and adorable character in Encanto, but his age and height remain somewhat of a mystery. We estimate that he is around 4-5 years old and stands at about 3 feet tall. 

We hope that this article answered your questions about Camilo's age and height in Encanto. You can download videos if you get Disney plus discount with amazon prime. Of course, if you have any other questions about the movie or its characters, feel free to leave a comment below.