WandaVision is a television miniseries that combines elements of classic American sitcoms with the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The show follows the characters Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch, played by Elizabeth Olsen, and Vision, played by Paul Bettany, as they live in the suburban community of Westview. The series begins with the couple living in the 1950s and progresses through various decades, with each episode taking on the visual and narrative style of a different classic sitcom.

As the series progresses, it becomes clear that something strange is happening in Westview and that Wanda may be at the center of it. The show explores themes of grief, trauma, and the nature of reality as Wanda struggles to come to terms with her past and the events that have led to her current situation.


How to Burn WandaVision DVD and Blu-ray?

If you are a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) you are likely wondering when the release date of the Wandavision DVD will be. However, the company may not have any plans to release the latest and greatest Wandavision on DVD or Blu-ray.

In this case, you can only author the WandaVision DVD and Blu-ray yourself to expand your physical MCU collection. But the good thing is that you can create your own custom DVD or Blu-ray for all WandaVision episodes, such as in terms of contents, language, menu templates, and so on. Isn't it interesting? 

DVDFab DVD Creator - Best DVD Maker Software

Finding a powerful DVD or Blu-ray authoring program is the quickest and easiest way to create a DVD or Blu-ray disc for your favorite WandaVision. This is where DVDFab DVD Creator stands out, which is a software program that provides a variety of functions for creating and burning DVDs.

DVDFab DVD Creator

DVDFab DVD Creator

DVDFab DVD Creator enables you to create a DVD disc, ISO image, or Folder from any video format, as well as create your own DVD menu using stylish templates and customizable options.

Key features of DVDFab DVD Creator:

  • Make DVD discs from any video format you want.
  • Save DVD videos to your hard drive as an ISO image or folder.
  • Produce high-quality video and audio for a better viewing experience.
  • Show Metadata Info. for films or shows on the DVD menu.
  • Personalize DVD videos with Advanced Settings and Menu Settings.
  • Create your own DVD menu via customized and stylish templates.
  • GPU-accelerated burning speed.

Note: DVDFab Creator includes a DVD Creator module as well as a Blu-ray Creator module. So no matter if you want to burn a DVD or Blu-ray disc for your WandaVision shows, it can help you do that.

Burn WandaVision DVD and Blu-ray with DVDFab Creator Program

Step 1: Load the source WandaVision videos into DVDFab Creator program.

Select Creator from the option bar when you double-click DVDFab 12. Then, select DVD or Blu-ray Creator from the Creator Mode Switcher. Load the source video(s) you want to burn into the main page by clicking the Add button or dragging and dropping the file into the main page.

Step 1: Load the source WandaVision videos into DVDFab Creator program.

Step 2: Customize your DVD with DVD Creator bulit-in templates

After loading the source video, you will see Advanced settings, menu settings, and audio tracks and subtitles on the main interface. Click the Advanced Settings button, and you can set the volume label, output, and video quality. You can also choose menu properties and playback mode. 

Step 2: Customize your DVD with DVD Creator bulit-in templates

Then, click the Menu Settings button to personalize the elements and widgets inside the menu templates. 

Customize Menu Template

Step 3: Select a directory and start the burning process.

Select the output directory in Save to Part and press the Start button to begin creating your DVD. Throughout the process, this DVD Maker will provide detailed progress updates.

Select a directory and start the burning process.

WandaVision: Things That May Draw Your Attention

What Time Does WandaVision Come out

WandaVision premiered on Disney+ on January 15, 2021, and new episodes were released on a weekly basis. The exact release time for each episode varies depending on the viewer's location and time zone. Disney+ generally releases new episodes at 3:00 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST) on the day of release.

WandaVision Cast

WandaVision features several main characters from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU):

  • Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch: Elizabeth Olsen plays the character of Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, who has the ability to harness energy for various powers such as telekinesis and energy manipulation. In the series, Wanda is struggling with the grief of losing Vision and her past traumas.
  • Vision: Paul Bettany plays the character of Vision, an android created by Ultron and later rebuilt by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. Vision has superhuman strength and the ability to phase through solid objects. He is Wanda's love interest and the show explores their relationship as well as the circumstances surrounding his death in the previous MCU films.
  • Monica Rambeau: Teyonah Parris plays the character of Monica Rambeau, a former S.W.O.R.D agent and the daughter of Maria Rambeau. She has the ability to manipulate energy.
  • Jimmy Woo: Randall Park plays the character of Jimmy Woo, an FBI agent who is investigating the strange occurrences in Westview.
  • Agatha Harkness: Kathryn Hahn plays the character of Agatha Harkness, a powerful witch who is revealed to be the mysterious force behind the events in Westview.
  • Darcy Lewis: Kat Dennings plays the character of Darcy Lewis, an astrophysicist who works with Monica and Jimmy to uncover the truth about Westview.
  • Herb: David Payton plays the character of Herb, Wanda and Vision's neighbor who is constantly suspicious of their behavior.
  • Dottie: Emma Caulfield Ford plays the character of Dottie, Wanda and Vision's neighbor and leader of Westview's neighborhood watch group.

WandaVision Cast

WandaVision Espiodes

WandaVision is a nine-episode miniseries that premiered on Disney+ on January 15, 2021. Each episode is centered around a different decade and takes on the visual and narrative style of a classic American sitcom. The episodes are:

  1. "Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience" – Set in the 1950s, the episode is styled as a black-and-white sitcom with elements of I Love Lucy. "Don't Touch That Dial" – Set in the 1960s, the episode is styled as a color sitcom with elements of Bewitched.
  2. "Now in Color" – Set in the 1970s, the episode is styled as a color sitcom with elements of The Brady Bunch.
  3. "We Interrupt This Program" – Set in the 1980s, the episode is styled as a soap opera with elements of Dallas.
  4. "On a Very Special Episode" – Set in the 1990s, the episode is styled as a family sitcom with elements of Full House.
  5. "All-New Halloween Spooktacular" – Set in the 2000s, the episode is styled as a mockumentary sitcom with elements of The Office.
  6. "Breaking the Fourth Wall" – Set in the 2010s, the episode is styled as a single-camera sitcom with elements of Modern Family.
  7. "Previously On" – This episode is a culmination of all the previous episodes and it's in the present time.
  8. "The Series Finale" - The final episode of the series, which concludes the story and answers many of the questions raised throughout the series.

Reviews of WandaVision

WandaVision has received generally positive reviews from critics. The show has been praised for its unique blend of classic sitcoms and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as the strong performances of its cast, particularly Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany. The series has also been commended for its exploration of themes such as grief, trauma, and the nature of reality. Some reviewers have also praised the show for its ability to subvert audience expectations and for its ability to deliver both comedic and dramatic moments.

Critics have also highlighted the show's attention to detail in recreating the look and feel of various classic sitcoms, including The Dick Van Dyke Show, Bewitched and I Love Lucy. The visual effects, soundtrack, and the script have also been praised.

However, some reviewers have criticized the series for its slow pacing and for not fully exploring some of the concepts it introduces. Some have also criticized the show for not providing enough answers to the questions it raises, leaving the audience with a sense of confusion.

In general, WandaVision has been praised as a unique and ambitious addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with critics praising its strong performances, attention to detail, and exploration of deeper themes.

FAQ About WandaVision


Will there be WandaVision season 2?

There have been no official announcements regarding a second season of "WandaVision". But with Doctor Strange 2 out of the way, there may be more time to devote to continuing the story.


Who was the big cameo in wandavision?

Paul Bettany made a big cameo in WandaVision, finally getting the chance to act opposite... himself. It was revealed in the Episode 8 credits scene that a White Vision had been created.